Thursday, August 29, 2013

No Favoritism - James 2:1-7

Today's lesson zooms in on the grievous sin of favoritism. It's time to get that holy spotlight out and search our hearts. Are you guilty of showing favoritism based on appearances, wealth, status or any outward worldly measuring stick?  

Let's dig in and examine this passage today to see what God thinks about it and why it is not acceptable for believers to show favoritism. 

"Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways."  Prov. 28:6



My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ    must not show favoritism.  

Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in.  
If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 
have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?  
But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 
Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

READ AND MEDITATE -Read the passage three times praying for the Holy spirit to interpret God's Word to you.

GIVE IT A TITLE - I chose - No Favoritism

WHO DOES IT INVOLVE - James addresses his audience as brothers and sisters and believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ.  Glorious defined:  Greek word for glory is Doxon splendor, brightness, excellence, pre-eminence, exalted state.   Simply put the attributes of Jesus, His characteristics, His holiness, His love, His grace, are all elements of His great glory.

As children of God we are not to show favoritism. To illustrate, suppose a person came into your Church who was dressed well; obviously cultured and highly esteemed.  Now let's suppose that at the same time a person walked in with shabby clothes but even worse that person was very dirty and smelly.  Would you treat them differently?  

Would you smile warmly and show the well cultured visitor a seat up front?  Would you quickly lead the poor unattractive visitor to a seat in the back hoping to hide him from others? 

Is this not discrimination and a blatantly open display of favoritism?  As you choose who will receive favor and who you will disdain do you not put yourself in the position of a judge ... choosing whom is deserving of your attention and special treatment - what evil (motivations, thoughts, intents) lurks in the heart.  

Listen, God Himself is judge and it is He who has chosen the poor, in this world, to be rich in Faith.  You see God sees the heart of the person - He knows if the person really loves Him or if he is coming to Church for other reasons.  He has chosen the poor, in this worlds estimation, to inherit the kingdom.  

You who show favoritism; You've got it all backwards.  Here you are honoring the rich who exploit you, will sue you if you cross them and without shame blasphemes the name of the one you claim allegiance to.  Why do you honor them and treat the poor with such disdain?    


God is my creator and the creator of every single human being on Earth.  He sent Jesus to die for people - rich, poor, ugly, beautiful, witty, dumb, creative, plain - He gave His life for that poor, stinky, wretched looking person ... He loves that person as much as He loves you.  How dare we put value on a person based on how they look, act or perform.  God see's the heart.

The next time any person comes through the door at Church - think - Jesus loves you and He values you so much that He laid down His life for you.  Treat every person with the highest honor and respect.  See people through God's eyes - ALL people - look beyond outward appearance to find the treasure within.

In my life experiences I have been blessed (and I do mean blessed) to connect with people that most would turn away from.  People whom the world would think had NOTHING to offer.  But how wrong the world is ... these precious people with crooked teeth, crippled bodies, greasy hair, unkempt appearances have vital life messages.  

If anyone would but take a moment to look beyond the outward they would find some of my 'undesirable' (according to world standards) friends to be quite intelligent with hearts as deep as the ocean.  Some of these precious people have a trust in Jesus deeper than the many we esteem as leaders of the Faith.  We would do well to heed and learn from these precious saints.  In their lowly position their hearts are humble and their kindness abounds.

On the other hand I have known wealthy people who, because of their wealth, felt entitled to honor.  Though there be nothing in their lives to merit honor they believe their money and status gives them the right to speak down to others or to demand respect.   Oh these wealthy, power seeking people are not honoring God and do not deserve any respect.  God see's the heart and He is the judge.

God has also blessed me to intimately know four couples whom, in the world system, are considered to be very wealthy.  These people do not fit the mold mentioned in this scripture.  They have no desire to draw attention to themselves or receive any special honor.  

These rare and precious wealthy friends understand where their wealth comes from.  They do not use their position or wealth to get them anything at all.  These godly people understand they are stewards of the gifts God has bestowed upon them and they seek God in utilizing their wealth to bless and help those in need.  Though money is usually a HUGE stumbling block, these unique and awesome friends of mine are humble servants of the living God.

Steven Cole - Quotes

"James focus is on the sin of showing favoritism to the rich and despising the poor, but his words apply to all types of prejudice, whether it is based on economic status, race, or anything else.

To favor some people and to disregard others based on outward
factors is a terrible sin that plagued the early church in James’ day.
It has plagued the church in every generation, because it stems
from pride, which is endemic to our fallen hearts."

"The glory of the New Testament church, in which there is
no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and
in all (Col. 3:11) ... The makeup of the local church should baffle
the world."

"The world should not be able to explain how people of different races, economic and social levels, and age groups can come together in love and harmony. To divide up the church along such lines obliterates the glory of God and His salvation!"

For a deeper study of this passage go to:  Why Partiality is Wrong


  1. Great read Susie and covers a lot of great points that we as humans face each and every day of our lives.
    I also love the song written and sung by Sawyer Brown titled, "They don't Understand". It is about people that run into people throughout their day and appear to be judgmental regarding whatever that person is going through even when they have NO idea what that person is truly going through. The first verse talks about these children on the city bus with their mom and they are causing a fuss when someone on the bus speaks out and demands her to take charge of her children's behavior. This person doesn't even know this women nor her kiddos. And it comes with an "apology" from the woman to the man asking for forgiveness for their actions because their lost their alcoholic father during the night. The song gets me every time. How many times in my own life have I seen something and not knowing the circumstances, voiced my own opinion. This lesson brought a lot of memories back to me and as God convicts me while reading it, I will look inwardly at my own actions. God Bless my sweet friend. Kathy

  2. Dear Kathy, your comment reveals your heart of understanding, humility, mercy and experience. I have heard that song too - it contains a powerful message about looking beyond the outward to see the inward. Thank you for sharing this song and its message.
    Blessings and hugs to you my friend!
